At Stan State, our Strategic
Plan and Statement
on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice call
upon the university to offer learning experiences that enhance
cultural awareness and understanding, and that develop the
knowledge and skills needed to be responsible global citizens.
COIL supports our General
Education Program Goals and Outcomes by promoting
awareness of multicultural perspectives, and the ability to
“identify and analyze problems within local, regional, national,
and/or global contexts.” COIL also supports the Graduate
Student Learning Goals by promoting “knowledge of diverse
perspectives and broader contexts as appropriate to the
discipline.” The University’s
Strategic Plan calls for students to have experiences
with High Impact
Practices, and COIL projects typically involve collaborative
assignments and projects with an emphasis on diversity/global
learning and may involve additional HIPs as appropriate to course
learning outcomes. As International Education and Global
Engagement reminds us, global perspective and cross-cultural
competence are crucial for success in today’s world. Many of the
potential international partners have interests in
the UN Sustainable
Development Goals, and there are lots of opportunities to
make connections that support campus and
regional sustainability efforts.