What is COIL?
“COIL” (Collaborative Online International Learning) at Stan
State helps to support and enhance the achievement of
global/transnational engagement goals, through online,
collaborative course projects with international partners. The
COIL model capitalizes on the myriad tech tools available for
online teaching and learning to connect students at separate
campuses for shared course projects and assignments. COIL
activities offer meaningful and authentic international,
intercultural, and sometimes interdisciplinary learning
experiences in support of course and institutional learning
outcomes without requiring international travel.
COIL provides an opportunity to share our faculty expertise,
incredible students, and regional/national resources with
curricular partners around the world. The COIL model of
virtual exchange was developed at the State University of New
York (SUNY), and we draw upon their model for our program at Stan
State. We also draw up resources obtained through Florida
International University’s COIL Virtual Exchange Leadership
Institute, and through our memberships in the SUNY COIL Global
Network and the Latin American COIL Network.